Style: Sumi-e
Main Content: Peony
Edition Information: Chinese, 52 individual pages, 12.2 in x 9.06 in / 31 cm x 23 cm, softcover
Painting Techniques of Peonies
Depiction of Flower Heads: It elaborates in detail on the different appearances of peony flower heads, including the forms and painting methods of flower heads of different varieties and at different blooming stages.
Painting of Buds, Pistils and Branches: It introduces the shapes, colors and expression techniques of peony buds, the structure of pistils and the painting methods for their key details. It also illustrates the forms and textures of branches and the ways of using brushes and ink, enabling readers to fully grasp the key painting points of all parts of peonies.
Sketching and Creation of Peonies
The Importance of Sketching: It expounds on the significance of sketching for traditional Chinese painting creation. Through on-site observation and depiction of peonies, painters can better understand their growth structures, morphological changes and color characteristics, accumulate materials for creation and capture inspiration.
Creation Steps of Peonies
Conception and Theme: It explains how to determine the theme and conceive the layout of the picture before creation so that the works can possess ideological depth and artistic conception.
Model Paintings and Appreciation
Display of Model Paintings: It presents multiple complete peony paintings for readers to copy and learn from, allowing them to intuitively experience peony paintings in different styles and with different expression techniques.
Collections: All Products, Chinese Painting and Sumi Books, Learning Material and Inspiration